January 30, 2011

should be sleeping. Oh well.

Real quick update.

Cleopatra's Daughter. A+++++++++ times infinity. I was really upset when it was over. But it had a really awesome surprise ending! GOD I need to get back to my stories!

I'm now reading Stephanie Meyer's The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. I heard mixed things about it. We shall see who's correct.

Loving Katy Perry's Firework song right now. Stupid Just Dance 2. It's stuck in my head.

Went to Jon's Grandma's for a Post Holiday party (She was away during the actual holidays) SHE had everyone in his family (spouses and significant others included) go in her room and go through a mountain of stuff. Like I have plastic shopping bags full of stuff that she gave me. Insanity. Did you also know that Jon and Rachel Hanlon are first cousins? They are.

I'm ready to take a leave of absence from big y. Waiting 4 more months? 5 months? BRING IT ON.

My ipod charger cable thing is missing. :(

Okay should go to bed soon. Marathon school day commences in 9 hours and change.


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