March 25, 2011


So I see why people give up on this blog thing half way through...eventually you are like....oh damn I have to hunt for more pictures...Eh, we will see if I feel like picking it up tomorrow. Work has been hectic. But I will have money.

Nothing too exciting otherwise. Just been reading and working on my rough draft of Manumit. Jon has Carceral and I'm scared he's going to hate it. Here's hoping he's going to love it instead.

Then here's the game plan:
Revise all the stuff he and I went through
Apply for copyright
Send out queries? EGADS! (That might be scarier than Jon reading the 1st draft)

Here's a more general game plan:
Apply for Summer classes
Meet for my interview with UB
Pass everything (Not really concerned)
Hopefully have time for novel stuff.

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