February 25, 2011

I have weird dreams...

So I had another one those "baby" dreams except this one had an oh so strange twist!

So I have a daughter, she's like a year old. But Carolyn has been raising her? I haven't seen the child since I gave her up and now I'm coming to to visit her. Carolyn leads me to her room and says "Kaine, mommy's here!" (Why the child is named Kaine, as in Jordan's last name/ guy who killed Abel I have no idea.) and the child shoots up from her crib. but when she sees it's me she stiffens right up because obviously she thought I was Carolyn. I'm devastated. Long story short, I'm so over come with motherly joy that I eventually take Kaine back home with me, even though I'm convinced that's not the name I gave her when she popped out of me. and I'm happy. Like five minutes later....I have a son too, who I think is named Jacob. I'm talking to my mom looking the same, 21 years old...with 2 small children under the age of 5.

So I woke up confused.
A) It was understood that they were Jon's. They had his wavy dark hair, but Where the eff was he?
B) Why could I not remember their names? Quarter life Amnesia?


February 16, 2011

Photoshop made my computer blow up.

Seriously. Don't use boot leg stuff. It get's you in the long run. Thank god Jon is a techno geek. :)

I hate that by the time I have free time at night...I'm exhausted. This story is never going to get typed.

But in exciting news, (not really) I actually have a desk to work at now....and not just an additional place that I stack crap. HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? I don't know how I've acquired so much stuff in this little room. I don't know where it's going to fit when I bring it home for Grad school. I may be giving a lot of stuff away. Or renting a storage garage. :(

Since I get next to no time to type and edit Carceral, I've outlined and started the first few pages of Manumit. I really want to get book one typed and printed so that loved ones and others can look it over so I can fix it, but you know, with 4 hour acabella rehearsals twice a week plus an average of 5 hours of school a day, plus work equals you do what you can...Don't talk to me about Acabellas please...part of it may be senioritis...or "other things", but I right now I welcome April 28th with open arms.

Valentine's day was low key, but awesome. I burned Jon some cds and wrote him a note and he made me dinner. I hope that next Valentines day we will celebrating in HIS apartment, we will see about Grad school and jobs and things like that. One can dream right?

Well, I should go to bed! It's Thursday tomorrow already! At least the weeks go by quick this semester!

February 12, 2011

To Tweet or not to To Tweet?

That is the question. I honestly know nothing about it.

Typing/basic editing/researching the publishing process.

Really not ready for that step yet. But it's good to know. :)

Also copyrighting it? Crazy and I right?

P.S. Alien is an awful movie.

P.S.S. Carceral would take place in a city like this.

It's actually Malta in the Mediterranean. But you get it.

February 10, 2011


Stephenie Meyer- Watch your back. I'm coming to derail your gravy train. :) Just kidding love your books, but no seriously. It's my turn.

Davey Havok- The green day musical? REALLY... :(

Steven Stamkos- I'm kinda in love with you. Don't tell Jon. He introduced us.

Shayne Leighton- I wish I was you! Or at least your friend. You are 20 and are getting a book published! ENVY.

My English Professors- Sorry for writing during class. Except you Karpuk. I know you would kill me.

Katy Perry- I like you now. Good job on Firework.


February 9, 2011

It all began in Algebra II classroom at THS

The rough draft of Carceral is complete!

Now comes the tedious shitty part. But it will be worth it.


PS-Is anyone else disturbed that Justin Bieber is 16 and sings like a castratiti (You know, no junk)? I think that may be his secret. :)

February 2, 2011

Carceral, Manumit, and Venerate

The Trilogy finally has titles! It only took me like...5 years right?

Worked on Book One alot the past two snow days. Yay! It's almost done! Then you know editing and shiz.

February 1, 2011

Snowed in?

Another awful weather day. One of my Tuesday/Thursday classes has only met once. :( It's February now...It's gotta end soon right?

Not too much to share. Just a quick book grade.

Bree Tanner- B- Not terrible like some said, but not fantastic either. It lacked the whole chemistry thing that's rampant with Bella and Edward. But for 178 pages, it was a decent attempt. Perhaps a Reneesme POV is in the future? (Not sure how I would grade that one either.)

Up Next is Rebel Angels by Libba Bray. And Harry Potter at some point.