November 10, 2010

You know...things...

I now have 9 completed chapters. Although only 6 of them are on the computer. That may change at some point soon. But you know, with Bellas and homework and SLEEP. We will see how that goes. I'm about to hit the point that I usually get to- the one where I know how I want to get somewhere, but stuck as to how to do it. But I'm hoping with deadlines and outlines I will be able to push through and for once in my life have a completed first draft that I can tear apart!

Going along the lines of Zombie excellency...AMC recently started a new show "The Walking Dead" Which of course is on sunday nights, when I've already had work and rehersal. BUT, none the less. The characters are pretty wholesome with out the glitz and martial arts of Milla Jovovich. (Though I love her and her movies very much). It pretty much shows what the world would really be like, if such an even occured.

In other news...I registered for my last full semester of school's classes today! WOO! and I got Jon his birthday present today! and speaking of Jon...MIA. haha? I'm like 99.9 sure he's passed out since he worked the butt-crack-o-dawn shift.

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