March 17, 2010

Oh that's right...I AM Irish...

Doesn't it always seem like all the crap hits the fan at once? I haven't worked in a week and a half and although I'm only out 100 dollars, that's money that I need to thrive. I'm back to normal now, and spring break is next week, but I don't know, I really don't want to dip into my savings account. I have alot saved up...

...sadly it looks as though I'm going to have to. My laptop is on its last leg. I'm actually typing this in the Music Computer Lab. It turns off if it's not plugged in because the battery is shot, its slow, and part of the screen is ruined. I tried to use it at school today and it wouldn't install updates. an hour and 45 minutes of trying to install something for clean access. and nothing ARGH! I got to save for my trip. For my "move out on my own" fund. I really don't want to shell out for a new lap top.

I'm getting pretty desperate though.

I keep on thinking about this time last year. It's a where are they now kinda deal. A previous chapter, an old way of life. I honestly think that the changing of the seasons gets me thinking. Some of the things changed for the better. Other things...well I wish they didn't happen.

You learn from it. I think you learn to love better by it.

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