December 6, 2011

An Update of Sorts

I wish I was better about keeping up with this, but seeing how my second draft of my story has been on chapter three for almost two months...things have been busy. It's not that I don't want to write by the time I get to it I'm physically exhausted. This is my last week of classes. It only has to get better, right?

In the mean time, I'm trying to do small related fun things. Drawing the characters. I want to do interviews with them. Haha. I can at least work on character development with a fried brain.

Besides the weekend, I haven't taken taken a day off or called out. Yep since August 25, I have been at this. I NEED A DAY OFF! But I'd rather have her ask me to do it than appear weak. The novel will be there!

In other exciting news...moving in with Jon. WHAT? Not until the summer but all the parties involved think it's finally time. My parents and his parents finally met! It's serious! Oh shit! It also sounds like Jon's brother wants to sell the house. Which means I'll be looking for apartments.

6 months is a long time from now, but seeing how December seemed like a long way away from August...It will really just be a little long and I've got a lot of shit do along the way.