September 18, 2010

I'm proud of myself.

My story is 27 6x9 pages on lulu and there are parts that i've hand written that aren't typed yet. Maybe I will actually do this right for once. :)

Watch out Stephenie. I'm coming for yah. And my characters don't glitter or are required to have their shirts off. ;)

September 15, 2010

September 13, 2010

I find this hilarious....

now what are the odds that this would happen. LoL. Oh facebook.

ps. Found my story!

September 8, 2010

you know what sucks?

The one time I wrote a story on my computer and not in a notebook some fluke thing happens and it doesn't save. commence I cried. Like it was the final straw in this flipping day. Oh well. I'll just start over, but its' not going to be the same!!!!!

in less than two hours it will be one year. :) <3

September 1, 2010

Its day three and my schedule has chnaged too many times.

God i hope this last change is it.

I changed my major
I dropped african american lit because the teacher got a 1.4
I added child psycology. I was so excited!
It doesn't count towards an english degree. merh
I dropped it for intermediate comp. Earlier, boring, but it counts as my communication requirement.

Lets pray that's it. I can't handle much more of this. I can't wait for next semester when I can pick my classes and this is not an issue!

Ps. I want a Kindle!you know those e book things. I've been reading alot lately.