May 20, 2010


Not perfect by anymeans..but happy! :)

Happy birthday to me!

May 18, 2010

So now my computer not only is slow, has a crappy screen, and doesn't work without being plugged in but it rejects my ipod, won't tell me that i'm connected to the internet and sends me error messages when I try to get onto said internet. Not going on vacation or anything? I'm broke! Can't afford a new computer!!!!

May 17, 2010

Every time I see Kmart commercials...I want to throw something. :)

May 11, 2010

One more to go.

I promise that at some point in the near tomorrow...I will give a real update. :) One sock done...looks better on than just chilling there. My friend Jen actually laughed out loud when I showed her. It's my first sock dammit throw me a bone here! :D

May 5, 2010

Ugly Sock :(

I'm thinking of just calling it the prototype. As I said the needles are too large...and picked way too many stiches...etc etc. It's awkward, but a good learning expeirence, and I'm banking on the other one being better. :)

okay back to work.

May 3, 2010

I'm not dead yet!


long time no post! To be perfectly honest, things have been CRAZY busy. I had concerts and work and etc etc. Long story short, her I am. There is 15 days until I'm done with school 17 days till my 21st birthday and 18 days until I go to Disney World! I can't believe how quickly this trip is coming up. I kinda feel like I should pack now, between school, work, a concert, the sophomore review and my juries. FINALS BAM! I will be like...oh crap. I leave tomorrow. :)

In other news. Things are good. Jon is wonderful today is 9 months since our first date and May 9 will be 8 months of being official. Time flies, and I'm looking forward to the summer.

Really gotten into knitting. Like if you know me, you know that I've always been like yay scarfs or random loom knitted things but this is like a whole new level. Made friends with a girlfriend of one of the DIVISI boys girlfriends and she has opened my world to all kinds of amazing things...I'm currently making a sock. Yah. It's not perfect, the needles I'm using are too big, but I'm excited and if it goes well...I will get some more tools of the trade. I also want to make a sweater. Maybe I'll finish all my other projects first. ha.